The Benefits of Having a Video Will Signing

The Benefits of Having a Video Will Signing

There is no such thing as a “video will.”  Under estate planning laws, a will must be on paper and signed in the presence of two witnesses to be valid. However, you might choose to have a video recording of your will signing.

A recorded will signing has several benefits, including:

  • Proof you were of sound mind. If relatives claim you were not of sound mind when you signed the will (a common argument to invalidate a will), a video recording can help refute those claims. Video can provide evidence that you were lucid, rational and in good condition when you signed the will. If you are at all worried about anyone challenging the validity of your will, this gives you some added security.
  • Proof the will was properly executed. Again, if you have people attempting to invalidate your will, they might argue it was not executed according to the proper formalities. A video recording can prove you had two witnesses present — and can document that the formalities for executing the will were properly followed. This would prevent anyone from being able to claim that the will signing was not properly executed.
  • Explanations about will provisions. A video recording can give you the opportunity to clearly explain in detail why you placed certain provisions into your will, if your lawyer deems that appropriate. Leaving these explanations behind can sometimes help alleviate bad feelings that could have otherwise potentially arisen out of the will contents.

For more information and guidance on how to draft and execute a will, work with the trusted Tampa estate planning attorneys at BaumannKangas Estate Law.